Monday, December 12, 2016

The Cutting Edge Robot assisting with minimally invasive surgery

Robot performing Surgery

The healthcare industry has made big changes in the way physician, hospital and the healthcare perform different task with the help of Virtual environment.  As our text indicated "Information Technology in Surgery-The Cutting Edge"

Computer has been assist us with many opportunities to work on each our life easy.   In the healthcare in the virtual reality they are created robots to help assist with surgical procedures.  The Virtual reality was use in the 1940 as a train pilot.

All Robotic Surgical Team Operates on Prostate Cancer PatientIn robotic-assisted surgery, the da Vinci robot is an extension of the ...Robotic Surgery | Medical Specialties | Wenatchee Valley Medical ...

Today we are using Robotics to assist with surgery it is a computer base robot.  It help with MRI and CT scan it is under the control by the software that was use and the surgeon.  The robot has it advantage and disadvantage

One of the early surgery done was the hip replacement operation.  That was approve by the FDA in 2008.

It is excited for the surgeon to have that help to perform task with risk free.  I believe that robot will the the new and improve trend in the healthcare industry.  

Please note that the Robotic devices are used for a minimally invasive surgery.  Example are ROBODOC, AESOP, ZEUS, da Vinci and Minerva.

Video YouTube;_ylt=A0LEVu4F7U5YmjQA3N0PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMDgyYjJiBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=robot+for+surgery&fr=yhs-arh-001&